Vsevolod Kovalevskij paroda „After Affect“ Kurant meno erdvėje, Tromse
artnews.ltBalandžio 21 d. Kurant meno erdvėje, Tromse, atidaryta lietuvių menininko Vsevolod Kovalevskij paroda „After Affect“.
This, was a video of possibilities.
This, is a map of The image, and imagination.
Through which, we journey.
A dance of ever changing pixels,
Pixels, moving down, left, up & right, on the axis of verticality and horizontality, …
While your imagination is moving in opposite direction.
This is a video of possibilities.
A vista of pastel colours
A romantic landscape of gradient
A magic language of visuality
& the dictionary of abstract
A paradox of our evolution
Or just a synergy of possibilities
A flux of constantly updated lines
An Olympics of bits
Where you already the winner, In the content of the imagination
Look into me, I am your Scheherazade
Your story reader
Your fortune teller
It takes 11 minutes, 50 seconds and 18 frames
For THIS visual journey to pass by
An average period of time, for casual viewer to view the exhibition space
A hyper-viewer of hyperspace in a hyper space-time
Try to say that 10 times quickly and you will get a hyper sentence or just plain confusion
produced by illogic of ones mind but throughout logic of imagination
and then imagination connects to other imaginations
producing a hyper linked image of reality that one can travel through
A hyper linked journey of hyper realities of mind for hyper communities
Communities that do not have anything in common except for hyper goal
An animalistic goal translated to machine like algorithm to succeed
Seek and destroy became like, share and subscribe
An After Affect of too many subscriptions
Subscriptions that modify movement of a bits
and Intake of ,surroundings.
A self induced pleasure mechanism that massages you imagination
like a parasitic organism from science fiction
that creates friction in the understanding.
This visuality, is
A primordial, goo.
Or millennial substance
a mix
A mix of differences and agreements.
A mix of signs transformed into language.
An echo of perceptions and economies of global.
A purgatory of banal.
A gateway of information.
and a stop sign of the ,observation
An observation of abstract ideals
an ideals that makes no sense
or make those senses sound like fictions.
It, does sound like we are in the loop
But can the loop be broken
Is this loop in the shape of ellipse
or in a form of horizontal 8
or both
But now we have to stop
There is a moral behind this ,story,
I made a joke
Ha! Ha! Ha!
This is a video of possibilities
A guide, to the understanding of everything, or realisation of nothing
Or maybe both
What is the understanding and the realisation,
Can there be, realisation without the understanding
After all there are bodies without organs
And ecologies without natures
But will one become happy if one realises that.
Vsevolodo Kovalevskij tekstas 2016-17
„Mes turim sutaisyti visuomenę, prieš bandydami sutaisyti internetą. Tik tiek.“ Peter SUnde, 2017
Likimo ar atsitiktinumo dėka, menininką dominančios hiper-realistinio piktorializmo ir pasaulio hiper- produktyvumo problemos nagrinėtos filme “HyperNormalisation” (2016)
Problemos, atėjusios iš bankininkų ir politikų utopinio mąstymo, o vėliau ir utopinio interneto ir post- internetinės mąstysenos, globaliai paplitusios ekonomikoje ir visuomenėje, varomoje iliuzijomis ir netikrais idealais. Mes gyvename daugybėje pasaulių, persipinančiose realybėse ir dimensijose. „AfterAffect“ yra priminimas, kad nereikėtų visko priimti kaip savaime suprantamo (how the fuck do you translate take for granted)
Vsevolodo Kovalevskio (g. 1988, Vilniuje) kūryba grindžiama kritiniu mąstymu ir humoru. Savo darbuose jis remiasi tyrinėjimais, ko pasekoje sukuriami įrankiai ir patirtys leidžiantys kvestionuoti mus supančią aplinką. Rezultatas – procesu paremtos instaliacijos sukuriančios pagrindus santykiui tarp aktyvaus stebėtojo (žiūrovo), menininko ir platesnės bendruomenės.
Nuotraukos: Vsevolod Kovalevskij