Audio žurnalas
2011    05    31

Agotos Lukytės ir Linos Kruopytės paroda „we don’t need freedom, we don’t need justice, just someone to love“ VDA „Titanike“

Gegužės 31 d., antradienį, Vilniaus dailės akademijos ekspozicijų salės „Titanikas“ 2 aukšte (Maironio g. 3,  Vilnius)  atidaryta Agotos Lukytės ir Linos Kruopytės paroda „we don’t need freedom, we don’t need justice, just someone to love“. Atidarymo metu po parodą ekskursiją vedė Antanas Gerlikas. Ši paroda yra Agotos Lukytės ir Linos Kruopytės  baigiamojo bakalaurinio darbo projektas, kurio gynimas vyks birželio 2 d.

Dear Sir or Madam,

we are two young successful curators from Vilnius (Lithuania). We follow Your gallery’s strategies for a while, we admire Your work and we think that Your gallery is one of the key spots for showing young emerging contemporary artists. In this regard we would like to propose You the project which would be very suitable for Your gallery space in connection with Your main strategies and methods of working in art production field.

The project called “we don’t need freedom, we don’t need justice, just someone to love” is an exhibition produced by Agota Lukytė and Lina Kruopytė which is now taking place in gallery ‘Titanic”, Vilnius. In a frame of their project Agota takes Theory as a Media as her main subject which co-unites with Lina’s interest in Artists’ Curatorial Practices.

The project takes its name from the webpage, created by Stefan Bruggemann – this decision to use a long poetic title in lowercase letters is a part of a strategy evolved in this exhibition – to question the tendencies of contemporary art language – which is very common among art figures in the spot light and the center of an art market. Therefore the exhibition consists of objects that illustrate the conception of what is perceived as “hot”, according to the dominant model of successful art commodity.

This notion is abstract as well as it depends on different contexts and is always reflected in particular cases and concrete objects which consists of their own narratives. The relation between common perceptions reveals its form in contact with various stories.

The objects represent various samples or cases of nowadays contemporary art world trends, meanwhile they become trendy themselves, while put on the display of the exhibition.

As we are highly inspired by Your methods of working with exhibition media, we think that showing this project in Your gallery space would extend its subject as well as introduce Your audience with young engaging artists.

We hope that this matter will receive your prompt attention, so we can elaborate on further details. You will find exhibition documentation and artists’ portfolios enclosed to this letter.

Looking forward to hearing from You,

Thank You in advance,

Gerda Paliušytė and Monika Lipchitz

This letter is part of the project, presented as a press-release of an exhibition “we don’t need freedom, we don’t need justice, just somebody to love”.

Projektas pavadinimu “we don’t need freedom, we don’t need justice, just someone to love” (lt. mums nereikia laisvės, mums nereikia teisybės, tik kažką mylėti) yra Agotos Lukytės ir Linos Kruopytės paroda. Projekto rėmuose apsijungia autorių domėjimasis teorija kaip medija ir kuratorinėmis menininkų praktikomis.

Parodos pavadinimas yra paimtas iš internetinio projekto, sukurto Stefano Bruggemann’o. Sprendimas naudoti ilgą poetišką pavadinimą mažosiomis raidėmis yra dalis šio parodos strategijos – kvestionuoti šiuolaikinio meno kalbos tendencijas, kurios tokios paplitusios meno lauko veikėjų tarpe globalios meno rinkos kontekste. Todėl parodą sudaro objektai, iliustruojantys koncepciją to, kas suprantama kaip “hot” (populiaru, karšta, kieta), vadovaujantis dominuojančiu meno kaip prekės modeliu.

Toks supratimas yra abstraktus ir tuo pačiu priklausantis nuo skirtingų kontekstų. Jis yra reflektuojamas per konkrečius atvejus ir objektus, susidedančius iš savų naratyvų. Santykis tarp bendrinių suvokimų atsiskleidžia įvairių istorijų pavidalu.

Objektai reprezentuojantys įvairių šiuolaikinio meno pasaulio trendų pavyzdžius arba atvejus, tuo pačiu patys tampa madingais parodos veikimo metu.